Tag Archives: temple

The Light Bearer

A moth caught my attention this morning as I contemplated doing your reading.  My mind instantly thought of how moths are irresistibly attracted to light, drawn in completely and only with difficulty are able to detach themselves and fly off again.  Ever drawn in.

I felt drawn to light a small candle as I started the reading.  Perhaps it was the moth…. but I felt my mind being drawn to a temple where a flame stands alit.

“We know her.  She is a “Guardian of the Light!”

I blink, and hear the 23 Psalm:  “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…”

A brightly lit flame shines in the distance.  I’m attracted to it as a moth to light.  Soundlessly, I walk closer, eyes only focused on the flame, intent only on getting closer to it.  This is a “temple flame”.  You are with a group of women tending this wondrous flame.  Stoking the fire, ensuring it never goes out.  This is a long tradition and you are one, of many, continuing it.  Your days are long, tedious, but you willingly tend to this flame.  For it is a great honour!

Greece.  Islands.  Blue Sea.

The water’s edge laps upon your toes.  I see your toes through the crystal blue sea.  You step slowly backwards, the hem of your dress damp.

Pearl dust floats down around us, coating everything it meets.  We are drenched in it.  Our arms, high in the air, are trying to catch this magical stuff.  It feels as if a miracle has just happened and we can barely contain our excitement.  A beautiful sight to behold as the dust settles down on us.

I ask your guides to present themselves.  You appear holding a few wildflowers, quickly picked for your “pose” here.  Too funny – you have a sense of humour!  You are sitting on a garden chair and women with long dark hair flock around you.  These are your fellow “light-bearers”, you are loved by all here!  A woman descends, I feel grace, mercy.  Kwan Yin.  She anoints you with oil on your forehead.  “For you must continue on in your journey.  Ever learning, ever searching for truth.  You are a Light Bearer!”

This light from aeons past has accompanied you here now.  You are vanquishing darkness with your torch.  “Continue your journey, dear one, for it has just begun!”.  So much love emanating.  You are among this sisterhood of women, your presence here, at this point in time, is so very much appreciated!

As soon as I ask for a timeline, I see long, white robes, gold braid around your waist.  Your “coiffure” is arranged delicately atop your head.  A procession is being held inside the temple.  At this time of the year, “special ceremonies” are held in honour of this flame.  An honour to tend and keep the flame going.  With this group of girls you will remain.  You will not marry.  Your life will be spent tending the flame.  Honour and veneration.  All is well.

I see you currently at a crossroads, not knowing which way to go.  Doubt, confusion reign here, but you inherently know which path is “yours”.  “Trust yourself!  For in this time, you can easily achieve what you set your mind to do.  You are a most powerful being.  You are loved!”

I hear this quietly murmured, “City of Light!”