The Winds, the Sun, and the Sea

A mature woman with long, dark brown hair and almond shaped eyes appears before me.  The woman is beguiling and full of feminine graces.  She leads me through a cavernous passageway lit, occasionally, with oil lamps.  An island with natural caves and the crystal clear waters of the Aegean Sea create a peaceful, natural environment for an idyllic, secluded altar.  Poseidon is worshipped here.  This is Ancient Greece.

A group of women meet regularly and at appointed times during the year when requested by those in authority.  Strict adherence to a protocol of prayer is required in order to summon deities and spirits, and to also call upon the remarkable monsters that plague the seas.  Numerous water sprites attend festivities and feasts.  The winds, the sun, and the sea creatures are each, in turn, called upon to ensure safe passage of crew and cargo.  A rough voyage or a clear sail, the gods will indicate a safe transit and passage of goods through these waters.

The women are here now, welcoming young girls who are brought by their parents to be instructed by the older women.  As a practicing cult, it receives acolytes who gradually learn the rituals and ceremonies that are so important to the region.  The young girls, once initiated, maintain the diverse practices that are required.  Blessings are given before vessels set sail.  Mariners and merchants hold you all in esteem; you ensure their vital link with the gods.

Gentle rippling waters resonate within the caves.  A constant, quiet reminder of being surrounded by the sea and all that is within it.  Feelings of buoyant joy are felt here and complete happiness penetrates the clear blue sky.  Joyful communion invigorates your psyche and allows harmony and balance to predominate within yourself.  You stand upon a fine line that delineates, on the one side, the physical presence of objects and people around you, and, on the other side, a constellation of the non-physical aspects from deep within.  This line is straddled and walked upon during this lifetime.

I watch as a column of white light enters your crown chakra filling the brilliant, deep expanse with beautiful, glittering, white light.  It expands and shines ever so brightly. Your third eye chakra spins unevenly with visible light factors fluctuating.  A recharge and restoration of balance would be beneficial to create a smoother and fixed flow of energy.  At your throat chakra, light appears to enter and then exit intermittently creating an irregular spin.  Light flickers and wavers creating imbalance.  This corresponds and responds to the imbalance of your third eye chakra.  At your heart chakra, a lovely green light expands outward, spreading love and beautiful light. Balance is felt with an outpouring of love for humanity.  At your solar plexus chakra, light emerges fluidly and a clear focus is felt here.  This can be maintained with intention.  At your sacral chakra, a lightness of being is perceived, the spin is balanced emitting a beautiful light.  Emotional stability is sensed here. You are grounded at your base chakra. The light seen here is a balanced spin.

I ask for your guides to please present themselves. Archangel Jophiel’s energy is presently around you bringing joy, wisdom, and soul illumination while helping you to strengthen your connection with your higher self, guides and angels.  His gifts include intuition and joy and he can help in any situation requiring clear mental perception or inspiration. The beautiful, blue light of Master Lady Mary or Mother Mary surrounds you providing comfort and understanding as well as bestowing energies of intuitive wisdom.

I ask to see a current timeline from your past into the present and future. A transformation in your past, just as in the cycle of a butterfly, has occurred. The transition allows previous situations to end and new beginnings to open up. Life is cyclical and as we move, changes present themselves and permit us to see a new path forward. At the present time issues regarding clairvoyance, intuition, and higher levels of consciousness emerge. Balance is important to maintain in order to create a working harmony and assist you with intuitive inner guidance. Your future, in regards to looking at that which is physically around you, requires flexibility and determination when confronted by a vast array of choices.  Where a decision is needed, weigh your options carefully. All changes emerging are considered part of a positive future. Connections are everything.

End of Reading

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